Wednesday 29 February 2012

Being a 'Grown Up'

Ok, there was no blog last week. Why? Because I'd had a really hard week - physically, mentally and emotionally. I didn't have the strength to sit in front of a screen and relay the highs and lows of the week before me. And that got me thinking about why I'm here, doing what I am. Did I plan to be self employed with three children? No, but then I never really did have a plan.

You see, nobody ever tells you when you are little how hard life can be when you grow up. They don't explain friendships stop being simple, choices stop being easy and the joys of childhood stop altogether. They just ask what you want to be when you grow older. Whatever the minefield of life could hold in store for you, it seems the answer to this single question is all you need to be armed with.Which, of course, is all very well if you what to be something sensible like a doctor or a teacher - but if not, like me, you shrug and say 'dunno' you leave the person asking a little disappointed that you don't have a 'direction' in life.

But now, I've found what I love doing and feel a little vindicated that I held out, that I didn't stick to a carefully constructed course of jumping through hoops and goals to get to the final destination. But as with growing up, running your own business is a constant journey of learning by your mistakes and relishing in your achievements.   By making choices, albeit harder ones than as a child (jam or ham in your sandwich?) you carve your path and gradually the lessons learnt along the way will teach you in anticipation of future avenues you may find yourself in and by having the past experience you'll know how to deal with fresh challenges.

Just to lighten the mood (!) I'd thought I'd share a few new lines that have been added to the website this week - all with Mother's Day in mind...


  1. What a wonderful blog hun and love the new items xxx

  2. Thank you ever so much - love the name, Cookiemonster! (I have a few of those in my household too!) x
