Monday 18 November 2013

It's just taken me 10 minutes to work out how to get to this page and start writing. Yes, it's been that long since I last blogged.

Why? I initially told myself it was time. Or lack of. Don't we all say it? 'Where did the time go?' 'I don't have enough time' 'There aren't enough hours in the day' But actually, we all have the same amount of time as one another - we have the same amount of hours in the day as Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Mother Tersea, Bill Gates and JK Rowling have all had. Look at the greatness that has been achieved within the same amount of time that we are all given. 

So I thought again. And I realised that I'm not very good at sharing myself - my highs, lows and inbetweeny bits - with the big wide world and I've made every excuse under the sun not to write a regular blog. But things are happening fast here. Pretty Chic is growing rapidly and I want to share the journey. Before now, I have been worried about not succeeding in my endeavours and looking a fool. But over time I've learnt that running a business is a journey without an end. Yes, I have ambitions and there are goals, but ultimately my business will evolve over time and I will grow with it and it with me.

So, with that said, I'm putting myself out there for all to see - and I actually feel quite liberated in the knowledge that I'm now not on this journey alone anymore, that I have an outlet to share my triumphs, hurdles and downfalls with.

Until next time


P.s Here's a handful of best sellers right now over at the website: