Monday 13 February 2012

Half term has landed!

Half term has landed!

It's one of those weeks in the school year you love or you loath - February half term. It's not like the summer or Easter holidays where (usually) the weather is half decent and you can get the kids out and about. Oh no, this is the week of cold, miserable weather and unlike the Christmas holidays where the weather is also abysmal, there isn't the distraction of presents and festivities!

We've all seen these looks on the kids, haven't we?!

So what to do....

I have a secret to share with you that my Mum told me once the oldest was at school. It's the secret to a (reasonably) smooth half term. Here it is....

Plan something everyday

Simples, right? By having one thing each day to do, you're giving you and the kids a little bit of purpose and structure to the week. You and the kids will have something to look forward to. Now I'm not talking about going to the zoo, theatre, indoor play area etc everyday 1) because it'll cost a small fortune and 2) because the kids will end up in overload mode!

I'm talking about a playdate with friends, visiting a relative you don't get the chance to see in school time, a movie afternoon at home with popcorn and the duvet on the sofa (personal favourite!),  doing a craft kit together, going to a local cafe for lunch, popping into a supermarket or similar and buying something thing to make with the kids at home. 

Craft Kit - Make Your Own Owl

Most of these activities will take between 1-3 hours so you won't have your day eaten up - the kids will still get to do their own thing plus you'll still have the chance to get on with the boring stuff too (washing, cleaning etc - go to be done!)

Ok, I may be dreaming if I think anyone can do all this in a day!

I write down in my diary what we've got planned for each day, and it may be just me, but I find it really reassuring to know that we've got something on. I'd hate to hear the age old 'Muuuummmm, I'm bored' every day for a week and by telling the kids we're doing whatever it is that day, they seem to look forward to it and I get (a very small amount of) peace. 

Happy half term everyone!

Lucy x

P.s  The website is always open, trading as usual - I may even have some little helpers this week!

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